Curbside Concerts

Up until a few months ago, swaying to the rhythm of your favorite song with a cocktail in-hand, and friends by your side was a popular pastime for most Americans. Those days are a distant memory and with new social distancing standards in most communities, it is uncertain when we’ll be back on the dance floor together.

Music venues of all sizes are closed and bands are sequestered. The bars, breweries and coffee shops that gave local musicians a space to play and make a day’s pay can’t allow customers to congregate.

Todd and Maura Altschuler, live music fans with ties to their local concert community in Frisco, CO, had a simple idea to resurrect their music scene safely. They realized that anyone with a home and an extension cord can still enjoy a concert responsibly. Maura looked at Todd and said “live music can still survive one driveway at a time.” And with that one statement, Curbside Concerts was born.
